In business, growth, saving time and closing are all things that matter to your bottom line. At the end of the day, you are either moving in the right direction - or you’re not.
No matter if you have a sales team or you are your sales department, we've compiled four professional sales tips that will help save you time, money and increase your profits - guaranteed.
Tip #1: Qualify... Qualify... Qualify: One of the biggest wastes of time is trying to sell the wrong person the wrong product. If you are talking to a cattle rancher and you’re trying to sell them a plot of land in the desert, it doesn’t make any sense! No matter how great of a sales person you are and how amazing your product is... if you're not meeting a need or solving a problem for the buyer, you're wasting time and money. Cows can’t make milk when they’re eating sand. Make sure you're talking to someone who needs your arid desert land before you start talking about it. Not only will this save you lots of time and energy; it will do the same for your potential client.
Tip #2: Converse | "be social": One thing which really turns people off to salespeople is, well, salespeople! You don’t want to seem like you’re “trying” to sell your customer something; you should just have a conversation. By the time you start pulling out projected sales goal graphs and year-over-year comparison charts, most people will have already shut you down. You don’t want to have a presentation when explaining your product or service to potential clients; you want to have a conversation.
Tip #3: Solved: In order for anyone to give you their hard-earned money, what you’re offering them needs to be a worthwhile investment. It doesn't matter if your product is the best of its kind. If what you're offering doesn't solve a problem for them, then they're not interested. Period. After you’ve started the conversation, continue with the question: “Are you still having problems like this?” Then, solve it.
Tip #4: Discern: Finally, you need to know your product and why someone should buy from you. That will always be the first question anyone asks: “How is yours different from what I’ve already got?” If you’re not prepared with an answer, all is lost. Knowledge is key… the more you understand what you're offering and how you are different from your competitors, the easier it will be to pitch your product and close the deal. It also helps to research the company / target audience before you meet with them.
Get to confident sales closings by using these tactics. For more tips, visit our Facebook page at www.FACEBOOK.COM/NOWMarketing