When you think of marketing your business, you may be inclined to try it on your own. This, afterall, would open up that marketing budget to other things. But are you able to effectively market your business on your own? Or do you have the staff knowledgeable enough to stay ahead of the curve and up-to-date as far as community demographics, industry news, online trends, and helpful tools and resources? Maybe you do. Maybe a better question is how does that leave time to do what you or your employees do best?
Top 5 Benefits of a Marketing Partnership
There is a growing interest in marketing partnerships, and it’s about time. Having someone on your side who listens to you and learns the heartbeat of your brand, not to mention the added creativity, sounds pretty great, right? Here are some of the benefits of partnering with a marketing agency to tackle your marketing goals:
Creating a Plan Together: Although partnerships take time in the beginning to plan and map out a strategy, this part becomes much easier with the expertise of a marketing professional. Plus, once the plan is in place everyone is on the same page and knows what is coming next.
Communication: Phone calls, emails, text messages, meetings, you name it. Regular communication (just like any relationship!) is best. If you have a good partnership, you already know the value of regular communication because it means both parties are actively participating, things are getting done, and goals are being met.
Fresh Ideas: Getting an outside perspective from someone outside the company may be the answer to your re-branding or general marketing efforts. Your partnership with a marketing agency will also keep you ahead of the curve in the newest trends and tools. In fact, many of our clients begin new marketing practices up to three years before their competitors catch on.
Time: When you hire a marketing agency as an extension of your business, you gain more time -- time to do what you do best. Your employees and your clients will be better served and you’ll go home at night a little less stressed.
Knowledge: When forming a partnership, not only will you gain the help and insight of marketing professionals, but you’ll be educated in the process. We get pretty excited about marketing and new ideas, and we like to share this knowledge with you so you can get just as excited! You’ll be more confident in the plan if you know exactly what is going on and why.
Here are a Few Secrets
Marketing will continue to evolve and in the years ahead huge changes in budgets will occur. In fact, it’s projected that within five years digital marketing will account for more than 75% of marketing budgets. Email, search engines, websites, social media, and mobile options have all increased in marketing effectiveness, while channels such as telemarketing have taken a plunge.
Making a Commitment
The best way to keep up with digital marketing trends and keep your marketing efforts on track is to form a strong relationship with marketing professionals. They live, breathe, and bleed marketing. These marketing professionals love their craft and love helping you grow your business. Plus, they keep up with marketing trends and will know what to recommend for your business based on those trends and what has, or has not, worked for you.
The best part of a partnership with a marketing agency is you both put forth what you do best to accomplish the same goals, and your marketing team will hold you accountable to those goals. You provide them with your brand and industry knowledge, they build upon it and put everything into action. You work collaboratively to create a smart plan and build quality content.
Hiring a marketing team means you have more minds at work versus one. If you commit to building a long-term partnership that can vastly increase marketing capabilities for your business (and bring in leads that turn to sales), a well-constructed relationship marketing partnership can work wonders.
Target your buyers effectively. Interested in learning how an inbound marketing strategy could benefit your business? Download this free guide and contact us for a free consultation!