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June 22, 2011

How QR Codes can grow your business...

By Jessika Phillips


In our earlier blog we shared what QR codes are and how they work. Consumers want immediate access to relevant information,and QR codes make that possible. QR codesconnect people with each other and to multimedia digital content, which makes them very useful for businesses and consumers alike!


You may be asking... What’s in it for me? A LOT! Here are some practical examples of how QR codes can save you and your customers time and money, while building your business and customer satisfaction! Here’s how they work…

QR Codes for Business Cards:

Record a video and upload it to YouTube, then have a QR Code created for it and put it on your business card. Offer social media contact resources, such as your Facebook Page, Blog or Twitter account, to let people know you want to connect where THEY want to connect. Thank them for scanning your business card and let them know that you are looking forward to taking care of their needs. Hopefully they will remember that you leverage the latest technology for their benefit!


QR Codes for Real Estate:

What better way to have a virtual tour of a property readily available than by putting a QR Code on every "FOR SALE” home spec sheet! Why not save the potential buyer from going to a website with multiple virtual tours? Potential buyers can scan a QR Code from a home spec sheet you leave behind and watch a virtual tour of the specific property they’re interested in. By saving the buyer time and directing them to where they can go to immediately learn more about a property, you have a competitive advantage! A QR Code can also be forwarded easily. A potential buyer can forward a QR code to a spouse or anyone else interested. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video must be worth… 10,000 – or more!

Consumers like to get as much information as humanly possible before calling a sales person. By placing the QR Code on a “For Sale” sign, you provide the hottest leads (those driving around looking for homes to buy) with all of the information needed about that property - instantly! Price, interior photos and community info are typically things a lawn sign can’t provide and, by leveraging a QR Code, you’re giving the consumer what they want - when they want it. Thinking there’s no longer a need to call a realtor if you give away all of that info through the QR Code on the sign? Think again! People work with people they like, and they will like you more if you give them more of a reason to – helpful information!

QR Codes for Businesses and Restaurants:

Restaurants can use QR Codes to unlock special offers and create a buzz marketing campaign. Why not place a QR Code at your POS to promote a special offer when the customer links the QR Code to your Facebook page? Grow your Fan base and create loyal customers! QR Codes are quick and easy. With mobile internet use rising dramatically, all "interactive" marketing leads to MORE traffic and higher response - especially among the younger audience.


The Cure Starts Now Foundation – This non-profit foundation used QR codes in partnership with a local small business, and the results worked well for both organizations. The Cure Starts Now Foundation was started in 2007 by Keith Desserich and his wife Brooke, in honor of their six-year old daughter Elena, who died of brain cancer. They partnered with Graeter’s Ice Cream, based in Cincinnati, OH, who created a special flavor of ice cream for the cause – Elena Blueberry Pie.

The marketing campaign used a QR code link to the Cones for a Cure landing page, where contact information was exchanged for a coupon for a free scoop of Elena Blueberry Pie ice cream.


Cones for a Cure billboard with QR code

The campaign not only surpassed the fund-raising goals, it also helped to increase revenue and distribution for Graeter’s, who actively participated in the fund-raising on a per scoop basis. The campaign will be rolled out again next year in twice as many cities.

United Airlines – Many of the major airlines are now using 2D codes as digital boarding passes. By the end of 2011, all carriers will be required to provide this service for international flights.


United Airlines 2D code boarding pass


Sources used:

"How QR Codes Can Grow Your Business", SocialMedia Examiner, Feb. 7, 2011 (https://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/how-qr-codes-can-grow-your-business/)

“Quick Response (QR) Codes: According to "Tech Savvy Agents", the top 5 ways to use QR Codes for Real Estate”, Graphic Dimensions Inc. (https://www.hometoursbygdi.com/page/qr-codes)


- © 2011 NOW Marketing Group, Inc.

Want a QR Code for your business?

Send us an email at info@now-marketing-group.com and we will create one for you - FREE!

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Tags: QR, quick response codes, Branding & Design


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