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July 30, 2015

Why you Need to Love the Place you Work

By NOW Marketing Group

Thanks to Confucius everyone is familiar with the phrase, "Choose a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life." And while I agree with what he meant, to choose a job you enjoy and that makes you happy, I don't agree that is what makes it feel like you're not working.

If you like a specific field of work but you can't stand the office you're a part of, you will never be in love with what you're doing. You won't ever feel like you "aren't working." You won't get to experience true happiness in a job you have, making a career worthwhile.


Through my short three month internship at NOW Marketing Group, I have discovered what it means to enjoy the work you're doing  and to look forward to heading into the office. I work with peers that love their jobs and create an environment we all want to be a part of, resulting in the most positive outcomes in our business.  While your level of happiness is heavily impacted by your attitude about your workplace, it isn't the only area that is affected. The attitudes of your coworkers, the business you produce, and your relationship with your clients all affect each other, and in a combined effort deliver the results.


Don't want to take my word for it? Here are a few reasons why you need to create and work in a place you love.


Bad Attitudes Produce Bad Results

If someone has a negative attitude about the work they're doing, or seem disinterested, they won't care about what they are putting out! If you're dreading going to work and just going through the motions every day, your work will suffer. You won't be producing your best work because you feel like you don't need to. Not only is this hurting the business, but it's hurting you. You won't progress without sharpening your skills, and you have to care about what you're doing to do that!


Teamwork Is Easy When You Love Collaborating

You're stuck and you need new ideas, what do you do? Hopefully you would have someone to go to, I know I did.  When you love the people you work with and you create an environment that makes people want to talk, you are opening the door for creative ideas and solutions to problems you could have never thought of on your own. Collaboration yields growth, but people must want to collaborate!


Supporters Don't Discourage

There is nothing more encouraging than having people constantly supporting you. No matter the task I had people were cheering me on and helping me whenever I needed it. We pushed each other to always produce the best work we could, and we all celebrated accomplishments together. With such positivity circulating, everyone wanted to be a part of it, putting their best work forth and constantly striving to reach new heights.

Loving your job is way more than just finding a good field, it's looking forward to another day, generating awesome work, and having people to share and celebrate with. My internship taught me how important it is to truly love what you do, and that's a lesson everyone should get to learn.


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Tags: inbound marketing, Loving Work


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