How do you grow and keep your best social media fans and followers?
Now, more than ever before, people rely on social media to gain insight on businesses and their products or services. Here they can see how well a business interacts with its followers, what customers are saying about the company, and whether this is the type of business they would choose to support. So how do you keep the followers you do have who are currently engaged on your page? Nurture them. This is how:
1. LISTEN. What are your followers saying about your brand? Are you paying attention to the good, the bad, and anything in that gray area in between? Show your fans that you are indeed listening by responding to both the positive and negative feedback you receive. If you listen, they will talk. When they talk, they provide you with valuable feedback.
2. RESPOND…MEANINGFULLY. A simple “Thank you!” or “Sure!” will not do. Respond in a way that carries on the conversation and avoid the typical canned response. If you want valuable feedback you must carry a conversation with your fans.
3. REFERRAL REWARDS: We all know the power of referrals, so it’s a great idea to offer rewards to those helpful brand advocates who spread the word about your business! Raving fans can turn "word or mouth to WorLd of Mouth". One great way to spread the love and increase referrals is to offer a contest. One way this works great is on Facebook. Facebook Sweeptakes contests are really easy and can be ran by an application called TabSite.
4. LET YOUR FANS HELP! Thinking of trying something new in your business? Invite your loyal followers to provide feedback! It’s a win-win situation because you gain valuable customer input and your fans gain a sense of brand involvement which encourages them to continue to support your business.
5. SHOW THE LOYAL SOME LOVE. Do you have super fans? You know, the ones you can count on to comment on just about every post, recruit more followers to your page, or speak highly of your brand? Show them how much you appreciate their loyalty by featuring them in a “Super Fan” blog post, give them a social media shout out, or even give them special access to something new before it is offered publicly!
Social media has opened what we know as word of mouth into a world of mouth. What people say about your brand on social media is very important and can make or break your business in setting you apart from your competition. Stay ahead of the rest and take care of your fans! Let NOW Marketing Group help you develop a marketing strategy to strengthen your brand and your online relationships. We’ll help you get a start with this free Social Media Guide to ROI to download today!
- Tara Stuttler, NOW Marketing Group Account Manager