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November 18, 2015

How to run a Holiday campaign

By Kate Ellis

Tis the season for a holiday campaign!

A shocking 20 to 40 percent of yearly sales for small and mid-sized retailers take place within the last two months of the year. (National Retail Federation). How crazy it that? It’s a crucial time for a flawless campaign.

Holiday campaigns are not limited to retail or products that are often given as gifts. If you don't have a product, you can tie your campaign to the end of the year. It’s all about targeting your specific audience is. It can be ways to showcase your business or featuring something for the new year.

First, identify your audience. Who are you trying to reach and where are you going to reach them?  It’s not the field of dreams, you can’t just build it and hope they are just going to come to you because they won’t. You have to be smart about it and build your campaign on their playground. If your audience is already on Facebook that means you’ll want to set up your campaign or contest.

Figure out what your offer will be. Refine it. It has to be sharp, concise and motivating. What will really make your audience stop and pay attention? If you know your audience you can gather what will motivate them to think of your business. For some, it could be free shipping or 33 percent off. Others could respond with a more heartfelt approach.

Think of well-known campaigns, like Coca-Cola’s Christmas campaign. Sometimes it’s best to be creative and think of a way to connect by invoking the heartstrings. The product is still featured, but it's not the main character.

Articulate your assets, what digital, social, or visual assets do you need or have and how can you incorporate them into your campaign? In terms of online media, images and visuals are gold. Go big and bold, and be creative.  Make it stand out, add interest and movement. Consider using video to really capture your audience.

What will stand out in your audience's newsfeed?

Who gets to see the campaign first? Maybe you have VIP members. Let them in on it first! Email your followers, then publish it on whatever platform you are using. Then build through the channels you want it seen on.

Remember not to ask too much of your audience. For example, say your campaign is a contest on Facebook. Don’t ask them to like, share, comment, tag three friends and their mother. Just KISS -- keep it simple, stupid!

It’s also good to let them know the end date of sales or contests, and also use ongoing communication. If you’re not communicating it can be confusing to your audience. Remember, not everybody is seeing your posts. Keep the message going. Keep posting, using different verbiage and images. Use video one day and a picture the next. Just keep it going!

Finally, analyze throughout your campaign. What’s working and what’s not? Continue to do the things that are working and change up the things that aren’t.

Happy holidays and here's to an awesome holiday campaign!

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Tags: Social Media Marketing, Campaign


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