Anyone who has a television set in their home has witnessed our political candidates’ “Ad campaigns” recently. Why the quotation marks, you ask? Because, being in advertising myself, I’ve always been taught that to advertise your product or person you focus on the positive aspects of your brand.
The goal of advertising should be to get your target audience to know, like and trust you… in the end that’s why people buy from you. Not sure if it’s just me being a critic because I’m in the advertising world, but who wants to buy something because they think Product A doesn’t suck as bad as Product B? Is that a reason to buy something? With politics we’re talking more than just spending $20 on a crappy product… the person we vote or “buy-in” to being in office will run our amazing country for 4 years! Our president is the face of our country. They set the tone for our jobs, our governing laws, our healthcare… our livelihood!!
I guess where I’m going with this rant is: Why aren’t our political candidates more like effective marketers? I firmly believe they should be sending messages of how they are different and how they’re going to help our country move forward. I want to know how they plan to impact our lives for the positive. We the people want to hear THEIR story, their views and THEIR beliefs. Let us make our “buying” decision on the truth.
I for one want to go to the voting polls feeling confident of whom I am putting in office... Not just who I’m not.
I’d enjoy hearing your comments! - Jessika Phillips