We all know that blogging is important for businesses. In order to drive website traffic, stay top of mind and provide value for your audience, you have to create content.
That said, it can be hard to come up with fresh ideas for your blog as a brand week after week, month after month.
If you want to be able to continually have blog content to write, you have to have a list of ideas ready and waiting. This way, when you need to make a new post, you have somewhere to refer to help spark creativity.
That is why we wanted to share a list of evergreen ideas that any brand can use at any time, as a way of sharing great content on your blog.
Here are our 13 blog ideas that any brand can use:
Introduce Your Team:
Write a blog post to introduce your team to your audience! This can serve as a get-to-know-you sort of blog to humanize your brand and invite your fans into your world a bit.
Behind-the-scenes photos and video clips are great to include in this sort of post, as is a snapshot into a day in the life of an employee. (We'll talk more about this later.)
Not only does this content help your audience understand your culture, but it serves as amazing content for recruitment. Showing off your vibe is a great way to attract the right kind of employee.
Company Values:
A great way to showcase your culture is to do a blog post about your company values.
Share 5 values that your company exemplifies and give specific details about why these things are important to you. These kinds of blog posts are a great way to provide value to your audience and introduce what you care about as a brand.
Client Success Stories:
These types of blog posts - sharing success stories and case studies - are amazing for so many reasons:
- This content showcases your expertise: it shows that you're skilled at helping others solve problems
- This content is educational: it is helpful for other people to see how you show up to serve and provide value to your customers
- This content is human: it's relatable because you're not out there tooting your own horn but rather, shining a spotlight on your customers which makes them feel valued and important
- This content is memorable: because you are sharing a story, your content ends up being more memorable because it taps into people's emotions.
Sharing customer success stories is such a powerful way to convey how your brand helps others in a value-based and non-promotional way.
Industry Best Practices:
Showcase your expertise in your industry by sharing 3 best practices in your industry.
Think about things that come naturally to you, and/or problems that you show up to solve every day, that others wouldn't think of.
This is a great way to provide valuable and useful information to not just your clients, but others in your industry.
This content helps to position you as a leader in your industry, showcase your industry knowledge and even help you build relationships with others in the field.
Industry News:
Being a source of information is a great way to drive traffic to your blog; this is why we encourage writing blog posts sharing industry news.
Pick 3-5 stories that relate to your industry, share the links to the articles, and why your audience should care about them. Bonus points if you detail why this news impacts your audience and what steps they can take to act on it.
These blog posts are a great way to show that your brand stays informed in the industry, and will be a great way to drive people back to your blog.
The best part? These posts are one of the quickest kinds of content you can create!
Industry Leaders To Follow:
We love doing collaboration blogs where we invite industry leaders to share their expertise and create feature posts to showcase their knowledge.
This type of content involves picking a set number of industry experts that you want to shine a light on, sharing why you follow them, and/or a piece of advice from them!
This is amazing because it helps to further build relationships with those folks that you're featuring while providing value to your audience by sharing a list of great folks to follow.
When you co-create with others, you're able to provide a lot more value than you ever could have alone.
The best part? These industry experts that you feature are likely going to share your blog post, helping to drive traffic to your website and boost your SEO!
Top FAQs:
A great piece of content for your blog is a frequently asked questions (FAQ) piece to feature the top questions that you get asked from your team, clients, and/or community.
FAQ pages tend to be among the top-visited pages for most websites because they're useful. These pages provide answers to the questions that everyone wants to know.
A blog post focusing on FAQs shows that you listen to your audience and answer what's important to them. This helps to increase the average time spent on your site because the more useful the information, the more people will read through it.
Annual Goals:
One idea that you can write a blog about every single year is your annual goals!
Write a blog post to share your top goals for your company, and even your departments, for the year!
Beyond the goals themselves, you can also discuss how you go about setting these goals as a team, how you monitor progress, and how to measure success.
This is a great way to inspire others and pull the curtain back on your brand.
Pain Points:
A great way to provide value to your audience is to blog about the most common pain points that people experience - whether it is folks in your field OR customers that you service.
Share the most common hurdles that you experience in your industry as a way of educating and helping your audience.
Similarly, by sharing specific pain points that your customers face, you show that you're a customer-centric brand. This content makes your audience feel like you understand them and listen to them.
A Day In The Life:
Remember earlier when we mentioned the idea of introducing your team? This could serve as a great follow-up blog post, or a series of blog posts, where you allow employees to write about a day in their life.

This type of blog post would look at what happens behind the scenes as an employee at your company.
If you have a remote team, this is a cool way to feature all of the different places that your team lives and allow them to pull the curtain back to share more about their career and themselves as a human.
For in-person teams, this is a neat way of showcasing your culture and what it looks like to be a part of the team.
Regardless of how you execute it, this type of blog content is humanizing, relatable, and a great way to retain current employees, and recruit new ones.
The Top Books:
If you're passionate about the industry you work in, chances are that you have a list of books in the industry that you love.
Write a blog post sharing the top 5 or 10 books about your industry, or a certain topic.
For instance, we wrote a blog sharing our top 5 books to help you feel inspired and motivated.
This kind of blog content is educational and inspiring, and it's oftentimes shared because it's extremely valuable and easily digestible.
The Top Skills:
Showcase your industry expertise by putting together a thoughtful blog sharing the top 3, 5, or any number of skills needed to be successful in your industry.
For this blog post, you can interview leaders in the industry and co-create with them to make a collaboration blog OR you can feature advice from your team!
The point of this kind of content is to educate others about what is truly needed for success in your industry. It's an amazing way to position yourself as a leader in the industry, shine a light on others and be educational.
Breaking Out Your Process:
Share with your audience the step-by-step of how you go about a specific process. Share your specific method with your audience, whether it's for hosting a social media conference, creating a live video show, or a workflow that you use.
By breaking out your process, you serve to educate your audience and inspire them with an idea of how they can serve to become more efficient or effective with whatever they are working on.
This content positions you as an expert and gives your audience a reason to subscribe to your blog.
Putting It All Together:
As you can see, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to blog content. There are so many different ideas for blog posts that your brand can create.
What works for one brand might not work for another. However, if you focus on creating quality content that is relatable, helpful, and memorable, you should see a positive impact on your website traffic and SEO.
Your goal as a brand should always be to create blogs that inspire, educate and/or entertain your audience.
While consistency should be a major goal for your blog, the quality should be what matters most. You want your blog content to be relatable, digestible, helpful, and memorable because that's how you keep people coming back for more.
What ideas would you add to the list? Has your brand written one of these 12 kinds of blogs? We'd love to read it!