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January 2, 2015

Canva Crash Course to becoming a Designer

By Jessika Phillips

Sure, pretty pictures grab our attention, but an amazing design can speak volumes! Don’t believe me? Let these fast facts speak for themselves:

  • The brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than the time it takes for the brain to decode text.
  • Visual content makes up 93% of all human communication.
  •  Your content can generate up to 94% more views if you add compelling visual elements.



Starting to believe it’s more than “just a picture”…. That’s what I thought. Now that I have you hooked on why integrating visual content is a major factor to your marketing strategy, lets talk CANVA!

Canva was created because in-house graphic designers were too expensive and software became too complex. Well, that’s not exactly how it happened … but it might as well be! Canva is the latest simplified designing tool for creating stunning designs in a matter of minutes.

Before you run off to create your free account, here’s a little crash course to keep you updated on the latest tips and tricks to conquering this design tool and becoming a modern day Bob Ross!



Let's use an example like.. Holiday Greetings

Most of us aren’t like Clark Griswold, we don’t have time to staple "250 Strands of light ... 100 individual bulbs per strand ... for a grand total of 25,000 imported Italian twinkle lights,” on our house.

The holidays seem to creep up on all of us, leaving us with little time to create an over-the-top flyer to let our fans know about a holiday flash sale we have going on or a greeting card to say happy holidays from our team. But now, those excuses are as ancient as this classic movie. Canva has recently created a card option with a number of layouts and backgrounds for all your special occasions, ranging from Christmas, Valentines Day, Anniversaries, Thank Yous and much more.

And if you really want your design to stand out like the brightest house on the block … you can! Besides the countless holiday flyer and card selections, Canva also provides hundreds of free type fonts and a library of more than one million images, which only costs $1.


Customizing Without the Complications

Lets face it, Facebook and Twitter – along with all the other social networks out there – are frequently keeping us on our toes (or maybe that’s fingers) with updates we have to make from their ever-changing regulations and size dimensions. Instead of going old school and pulling out our ruler, paper and pen, we have Canva as our toolkit.

Canva is taking the guesswork out of these tedious projects. With Canva, your designs can be modified and uploaded to meet the newest version updates quicker than a teenage girl taking a selfie ... Now that’s quick! And to top it off, your designs can be saved under your account to make any further revisions.



Canva is more than just a Design Tool, it’s Social

Thanks to Canva collaborating with clients and team members just got easier. Canva provides us with the opportunity to share and edit our design work all in one which leads to time savings and over all a more streamlined process.

Not only does Canva allow us to team up with others to work on a design and showcase our work of art with family and friends, but now it’s social! Just like Facebook and Twitter, Canva gives us that option to be social, and use their platform for more than just designing. We can find our friends and check out their designs with Canva’s “find your friends” feature and essentially use their design tool as a gallery of our masterpieces.



So now that you’ve learned the latest and greatest features of designing, passed go, collected your login account at www.canva.com.

Jump in, get your feet wet and become comfortable with the features, type fonts and designs and before you know it, you’ll be using Canva on a daily basis. To take your skills up a notch join Canva's free design school at  https://designschool.canva.com/.


If you love this tool, then you’re sure to love our “Best of the Best” apps and tools for 2015! Click on the image below and download some great tips to be successful with your marketing strategy!

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Tags: Social Media Marketing, Branding & Design, Canva


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