You know that Facebook is important for your brand and business. But there are some Facebook features that you might be wondering if you should implement or not. These include Facebook Pages and Facebook Groups.
A Facebook Page is a way for your business to have a voice and presence, designed to help you connect with customers and reach your goals. When people are on Facebook, they are looking for a way to connect with others -- family, friends, and yes, even businesses. Your page allows you to make these connections with customers and serves as a way for them to get to know you and your products. Your page can only be created and maintained by your representatives and posts are open and public. When someone likes a Facebook Page, they are your fan.
Groups are a little different from a business page. Facebook groups provide a space for people to communicate about shared interests and can be created by anyone who wishes. When you join a group, you are a member. They are also able to have various level of privacy. Some groups are open and viewable by all, others wish to remain a little more anonymous and have stricter privacy settings. Group privacy settings can be adjusted so that you approve all members.
In groups, members receive notifications by default when any member posts, they can participate in chats, upload photos to shared albums, and collaborate on group documents. Groups end up being more useful when they are created for smaller groups of people who are interested in the same thing.
So when should you use these features to further your business's goals and brand?
And do you need to incorporate both into your social media strategy? The answer will be different for every business.
Pages will have better analytics and insights for you to learn about who is coming to your page. You’ll see a breakdown of demographics, whether they are male or female, which country are they coming from, what time they are on Facebook, and you’ll see how your posts are doing.
If you’re interested in adding apps to your Facebook, like TabSite, pages are the only way to go. And there is no way to run an advertisement in a group, so if you’re looking to run ad campaigns, you’ll need to have a page. Pages also allow you to a call to action directly on your Facebook, to drive your customers to do a specific action.
Groups are all about a common interest or passion. People take a little more time to think about whether or not they want to join a group. This is because people have to genuinely want to be a part of the group. This is because a group is much more focused around conversations between people.
Because of this focus on conversations, you’re able to message everyone in your group. Mass communication can be extremely helpful depending on your needs. And, it can offer your customers something more too. You could use it as an add-on or a bonus to something you’re already offering.
You can use groups for:
Events that you are hosting
Support with your products
To provide value
Communication and building community
Groups also make it a little easier for people to see you. People are aware of you since they took the time to think about joining, so they recognize your content more. Since it’s based on a common interest and is more of a tight-knit group, people want to join the conversation and be more invested in the group.
Basically, your business page is your public face. It’s acting on behalf of your brand, and it’s your brand who is speaking. In contrast, a group is you, sitting behind your computer communicating. It’s not managed by brand representatives; it’s more personal and intimate between you and your fellow members. If it’s in your best interest, using both Pages and Groups can elevate your company. They both are important tools to use if you have the need for what they offer. So, really narrow down what your goals are and decide if you need to incorporate a group for your Facebook purposes.
If you want to learn more tips and tricks join us next Tuesday at 4 p.m. EST for Magnet Marketers.